What you need to know

The IFEX Council is made up of 13 positions. Each candidate has been nominated by their own organisation and endorsed by another IFEX member. Below you can find each of their presentations and bio summary.


When making your selections, please remember that there should be continuity across Councils and that Council should be, to the greatest extent possible, diverse in:


Organisations must have paid their 2022 membership fees to be eligible to vote and may only vote once. Please find your personalised link to vote in the email sent from “Election Buddy” to make your selections.


The voting period is from 19th to 23rd June. Polls will close on June 23rd at 11:59PM EDT. The final results and confirmation will be presented at the Annual Meeting on Thursday June 29th at 9am EDT. We look forward to seeing you there!


Thank you for taking the time to elect your new IFEX Council!

For any questions please email governance@ifex.org. 


Ahmad Quraishi

Organisation: Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC)

Position: Executive Director  

Alejandro Delgado Faith

Organisation: Instituto de Prensa y Libertad de Expresión (IPLEX)

Position: Board Member

Andrei Klikunou

Organisation: Belarusian Association of Journalists

Position: Board Member, Council Member

Bulbul Monjurul Ahsan

Organisation: Media Watch, Bangladesh

Position: Chairman

Franklin Huizies

Organisation: Amarc International

Position: Former Treasurer

Gilbert Sendugwa

Organisation: Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC)

Position: Executive Director

Khalid Ibrahim

Organisation: Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR)

Position: Executive Director  

Marianela Balbi

Organisation: Instituto Prensa y Sociedad IPYS Venezuela

Position: Executive Director  

Mishi Choudhary

Organisation: SFLC.in

Position: Founder and Board Member  

Nighat Dad

Organisation: Digital Rights Foundation

Position: Executive Director  

Sarah Clarke

Organisation: ARTICLE 19

Position: Regional Director for Europe

Shireen AL Khatib

Organisation: Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA)

Position: Acting Director

Tabani Moyo

Organisation: Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA)

Position: Regional Director

Wesley Gibbings

Organisation: Association of Caribbean Media Workers (ACM)

Position: Vice President  

Ziad Abdel Tawab

Organisation: Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies

Position: Deputy Director